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Women on Boards CIC® Survey January 2025

Thank you for taking the time to participate in our survey.

Your feedback is invaluable and will assist Women on Boards CIC® in their important work within gender equality and championing female entrepreneurs onto Board and leadership positions.

The survey will only take 5-10 minutes to complete, and your responses will remain confidential.

Section 1:

This will help us get a better idea of your context and help us to understand your perspective as a Board member.

1. Are you currently serving on a Board? (choose one)
Yes, I hold multiple Board positions
No - but I have held Board positions previously
No, but I would like to
No, it is of no interest to me
I would like to be on a Board, but need further information on how I do so
2. How many Board positions have you held to date? Please include any current service
More than 5
None (I do not serve on any Board)
3. Do you serve on a Board within the UK or International?
UK only
International only
Both UK and International
I do not serve on any Board
4. How long have you held your most recent Board position?
Less than 1 year
Between 1 - 3 years
Between 4 - 7 years
Over 7 years
I am not currently serving on a Board
5. How old were you when you were appointed to your first Board position?
Under 30 years old
Between 30-45 years old
Over 45 years old
I have never held a Board position
6. Are, or were, your Board positions paid or unpaid?
Paid position
Unpaid position
I hold (or have held) both paid and unpaid Board positions
I have never held a Board position
7. What process was followed for your most recent Board appointment?
8. If you currently serve on a Board in the UK, which region(s) are those organisations located in? (multiple answers allowed)

Section 2:

Board Aspirations and experiences

11. Once successful, did the reality meet your expectations?
12. Were you provided onboarding or training as part of your most recent Board appointment?
15. Psychological safety is the feeling of being included, feeling able to participate and ask questions, and able to challenge without fear of retribution. When serving on a Board(s) do you feel psychologically safe?

Section 3:

Demographics data for analysis

This section is voluntary; however, completion will allow us to analyse the experiences of servicing Board members in greater detail and help us to make our recommendations more specific and insightful.

D1 Please select the option that best describes your ethnic group:
D2 How would you describe your gender?
D3 What is your age?

And finally!

Thank you for taking the time to complete our survey.

Your responses will help us better understand and support female Board members, shaping our initiatives to foster greater inclusion, empowerment and leadership opportunities.

If you would like to stay updated on our work and mission including;

  • The Women on Boards CIC Report 2025 

  • Details on future events

  • Opportunities to join Women on Boards CIC® in 2025 

💫 Click SUBMIT below to submit your answers or add your details to join our Newsletter and stay up to date (all survey responses remain anonymous) 💫

Please note:

▪️ Your details will NOT be used or distributed to any third-party organisation.

▪️ If you have opted for our newsletter, we do not send out weekly or monthly newsletters.

▪️ We value and respect your time and will only send when we have something important to say.

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